News & Events

Caranua Board minutes 26 July 2016

These are the Board minutes from 26 July 2016

We are happy to publish the minutes of our Board meetings so that Board activities and decisions are accountable. There is always a delay between the meeting held and the publication of the minutes.  This is because the minutes must be approved before they can be published.  Minutes are approved at the meeting after the meeting they are a record off.  For example, if a Board meeting is held in March and the next meeting is held in April, the minutes of the March meeting will not be on the website until after the April meeting.


David O’Callaghan, David Lane, Tom Daly, Austin Currie, Rosemary Adaser, Frances Harrington. Damian Casey,

Katherine Finn, Phyllis Morgan

In attendance:

Mary Higgins, Siobhán Kane, David Yeomans, Lucy Kenny



Discussion Decision/


1. Minutes


The minutes of the meeting held on 31st May were approved, proposed by Austin Currie and seconded by Katherine Finn. Approved



2. Report on action points arising from last meeting


The report was noted including:

  • The proposal from the HSE and it was agreed to revisit this at the next meeting


  • The legal advice received on funeral costs. The actual costs to the Fund of paying for these, as well as how to protect against the agreed policy being cashed were discussed.  It was also clarified that this provision covers contribution to the cost of a funeral, and does not include maintenance of graves.  A more detailed proposal will be developed by the executive and presented to the next meeting of the Board.  This will also explore the possibility of our drawing up our own contract for funeral costs.


  • Governance will be a standing item on the Board agenda and the Risk Register will be prepared and presented at the next meeting.




Revisit issue of needs assessments 


Grave maintenance not included in funeral cost





Governance a standing item

Risk register to be presented at next meeting



Next meeting









Next meeting


Next meeting

3. Report on applications
  • The report to the end of June was considered. The number of letters sent to applications who wished to opt in to the new arrangements was noted.  It was agreed that for the next meeting there should be a more detailed breakdown of repeat applications, and that breaches of data protection should be brought to the attention of the Audit Committee.


Further analysis of applications to be provided at the next meeting.


Data protection beaches to be reported to Audit & Risk Committee



 Next meeting







4. Report of CEO and Mazars implementation plan
  • The CEO report was noted including the improvement work being undertaken on the office premises, the implementation of the new arrangements and the briefings held with survivor support groups and others about them and recruitment of staff.
  • The Mazars recommendations are close to completion, once the strategic plan, risk and standard operating procedures are finalised.





5. Report of the Audit and Risk committee and finance matters


  • Damian presented the report of the committee.  The Statement of Internal Financial Control was signed by the Chair and CEO and the 2014 Audited Accounts will be circulated to the Board for approval.  The draft 2015 accounts were circulated and approved.
Draft 2015 accounts approved. 



6.  For information:  PQ, correspondence and contracts
  • The parliamentary questions were noted, and in particular the commitment by the Minister to undertake a review of the Fund in the autumn.
  • There were no contracts or correspondence during this period, as proposals are awaiting approval by the Minister.  


7. Report on the new arrangements
  • A lengthy discussion was held on the published criteria and Guidelines for the new arrangements. Some members of the Board believed that the published documents do not fully reflect the decisions taken by the Board.  It was agreed that there was no need to recall the documents.
  • The issue will be kept under review, in light of experience in processing applications under the new arrangements and as previously committed a review will be completed in May 2017. Rosemary agreed to devise a one A5 page of FAQ for review by the Board.







8.  A.O.B.
  • The Chair and CEO met with DES on the Performance Delivery Agreement which is due for review in October.
  • Representations on individual applications should be presented to the CEO and not the Board.  Any irregularities should be brought to the attention of the Chair.
  • The new Director of Finance and Corporate Affairs was appointed as Secretary to the Board.  The Board expressed thanks to Lucy Kenny for her work in supporting the Board and taking minutes.
9. Strategic Plan
  • Mazars presented the next iteration of the Strategic Plan.  This will be brought to the DES for comment and a final draft will be presented at the next meeting.
10.  Next meeting
  • The next meeting will be held on 13th October.