Update 20th May 2019
Dear Survivors,
As you know Caranua was given a limited fund of money (the Residential Institutions Statutory Fund) to provide financial supports to survivors of institutional abuse. Caranua has almost finished its work as the fund has nearly come to an end.
The Board of Caranua has written to the Minister for Education & Skills, Mr Joe McHugh to let him know that our final date for making payments for funding supports to survivors will be in August 2019.
Caranua’s timelines and plans are based on receiving the outstanding contributions to the fund in a timely manner. We are currently working with 1,882 survivors on their applications for funding supports. To make sure we manage the fair and equal distribution of the remaining fund, we are taking a staggered approach with survivors in relation to timelines for the receipt of their paperwork and the completion process.
Our Application Advisor team are speaking with Survivors and giving them timelines for the final date for the receipt of their paperwork. Given the number of survivors with open applications this will take a number of weeks. To try and give all survivors who are eligible a chance to access the fund we are also trying again to contact survivors with open applications who have received zero or small amounts of funding supports to encourage them to progress their application as they will need a longer timeline.
The length of the timeline given to a survivor to complete his or her application will depend on a number of things for example:
- How long their application been open with Caranua?
- The funding supports received to date?
- The ability of the individual survivor to manage their application process
If you have any questions about this information please do not hesitate to contact Caranua by calling the Freephone number 1800 212 477, if you cannot get through please leave a message and one of our team will call you back. You can also write to us at Caranua, PO Box 12477, Dublin 1.
Kind regards,
Rachel Downes, CEO
Update 2nd August 2018
On 31st May 2018, the Board of Caranua announced that survivors who may be eligible to apply for funding for services must return their application form to Caranua by Wednesday 1st August 2018 to ensure that their application can be processed. This decision was made by considering the number of survivors who are currently working with Caranua, the amount remaining in the fund and the need to ensure there is sufficient funding available for those who have applied.
As we have now passed this deadline Caranua will no longer be accepting new or repeat applications. Although Caranua cannot provide you with financial supports, we may be able to connect you with organisations that may be able to help you now or in the longer term. If you are interested in this type of support please call us by phone, email or post. Our office hours are 9.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Update 29th May 2018
On the 29th May 2018 the Minister for Education, Richard Bruton T.D., published the Caranua (Residential Institutions Statutory Fund) Eligibility Review, following approval from Cabinet. A Review was undertaken by the Department of Education and Skills to determine the implications of extending the eligibility criteria in the event that there was going to be an underspend of the Fund by the people currently eligible to apply to it. Further information can be viewed on the Department of Education’s website here: Minister Bruton publishes Caranua eligibility review
Update 15th February 2017
On the 15th February 2017 the Minister for Education, Richard Bruton T.D., published the proposed Draft Terms of Reference for Review of Eligibility for Caranua (Residential Institutions Statutory Fund). Further information can be viewed on the Department of Education’s website here: Minister Bruton publishes Draft Terms of Reference for Review of Eligibility for Caranua (Residential Institutions Statutory Fund)