These are the Board Meeting minutes from 23 Jan 2014
Sylda Langford, Chair
Damian Casey
Austin Currie
Bernadette Fahy
David Lane
Phyllis Morgan
Katherine Finn
In attendance
Mary Higgins
Conor Morrison
Fiona Coyne
1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Tom Daly.
2. Private meeting of the Board
The Board met briefly in private without the Executive. The Board wished to record its appreciation for the great work done by the executive in getting the scheme started on the 6th of January and acknowledged that this had been a major challenge.
3. Matters Arising from the minutes not on agenda
There were no items under this heading.
4. Minutes of the meeting Held on 14th November
The minutes of the meeting were read and approved.
5. Minutes of the meeting Held on 18th December
The minutes of the meeting were read and approved.
6. CEO Work Report
The CEO presented the work report for the period 12th December to 15th January. This focused particularly on:
- The measures in place for ensuring that survivors will be aware that we are open for applications. This included the posting of Updates and application forms directly to everyone our mailing list, and the distribution of over 100,000 information leaflets and 10,000 posters.
- Positive contact is continuing between survivor support groups and Caranua and useful feedback is being provided by them.
- A detailed analysis of applications received between 6th and 22nd January was presented. This showed that almost 800 applications had been received, 78% from Ireland and 18% from the UK. Over three quarters had been in contact with Caranua previously.
7. Delegations
The Board formally agreed the delegations presented. There was a discussion about the reserved functions of the Board and it was agreed this issue should be revisited at the next meeting.
8. Correspondence
A letter has been received from the Labour Relations Commission in relation to a member of staff. Given that responsibility for decision on this issue is that of the Department of Education and Skills it was agreed that they should be joined with us in the proceedings.
9. Schedule of Meetings for 2014
The schedule of meetings was agreed.
10. AOB
A question was raised about the appointment of the Appeals Officer and how the appeals system would operate. It was explained that the Department of Education and Skills is currently working on regulations and an update is expected this week. The Chair stated that it was most important that the process of decision making on an application was well documented so that the criteria and limits which informed the decision were detailed and transparent in the event of an appeal.
11. Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Board will be held on 20th February 2014 at 10.30 a.m.