Rosemary Adaser has been appointed to the Board of Caranua by the Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O’Sullivan TD.
Ms. Adaser is a survivor and lives in the UK. She is a co-founder of Mixed Race Irish, and has extensive senior management experience in social and community based environments.
She was appointed through, in accordance with new procedures for making appointments to State Boards.
Ms. Adaser has been appointed for the remainder of the Board’s four year term of office. This term commenced on the 25th of March 2013.
There are nine Board members including an independent Chair, all of whom are appointed by the Minister. Four members are survivors. The remainder were selected for relevant skills and experience in areas relevant to Caranua, including financial management and service delivery.
Positions on the Caranua Board are not remunerated.
For more information on the Caranua Board, please CLICK HERE