Over €51.8 million spent on services for survivors

Updates on statistics relating to the Caranua application process are published regularly. This is the December 2016 update This update gives information on applications to Caranua, and payments made since we opened for applications. We have now: Received Part 1...

Caranua publishes Easy-to-Read Guide to applying for support

Caranua is pleased to announce that we have published an Easy-to-Read Guide to applying for support. The Easy to Read Guide uses images and easy to understand language. It provides information on what Caranua is; what Caranua can do; and how to apply to Caranua....

Caranua information events in Waterford and Limerick

Caranua will host two information events in the coming weeks, in Waterford and Limerick. These events will provide an opportunity for people to talk to Caranua staff, and for us to answer any questions you may have. There is no entry fee, and you can come at any time...

Caranua publishes 2015 Annual Report

The Annual Reports of both Caranua, and the Caranua Appeals Officer have been published. The Caranua 2015 Annual Report, which was laid before the Houses of the Oireachtas, details the work of the organisation in 2015 and provides statistical information on...

Changes to Caranua Services and Criteria – June 2016

Caranua is pleased to announce that we will be introducing some changes to our services and criteria in early June. The changes are based on what survivors have told us they need, and to ensure the Fund is sustainable for future applicants. We also want to make our...

Caranua Information Events 2016

Caranua hosted a series of information events in 2016. Events were held in Dublin, Cork, Galway and Manchester. Caranua hosted a series of information events in 2016 The details of the events are below. The Board and Staff of Caranua would like to thank all those who...

€38.6 million spent on services

Updates on statistics relating to the Caranua application process are published monthly. This is the December 2015 update This update gives information on applications to Caranua, and payments made since we opened for applications in January 2014. We have now: Made...