Below are questions asked by TDs in Dáil Éireann, relating to Caranua and other areas relevant to survivors
Difficulties in Caranua
Deputy Eamon Scanlon asked the Minister for Education and Skills his views relating to difficulties in the State agency Caranua; the actions being taken to address such; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Richard Bruton): Caranua has responded directly to the needs of survivors by extending its services to include, for example, contribution to funeral costs, household goods, home decoration, reconnecting with family members and home place, etc. I understand that a maximum personal allocation of €15,000 has been introduced to ensure that the Fund, which is limited, is distributed fairly. I understand also that Caranua’s application process has been made easier with its application forms and information booklets having been redesigned.
If the Deputy would like to provide specific details about the difficulties he is referring to, I would be happy to raise the matters with Caranua or ask it to provide a direct response. I should point out that Caranua is an independent statutory body and I have no role in relation to its day to day operations.
If the Deputy’s concerns relate to an individual case he should raise the matter directly with Caranua. Contact details are available on the website .