Below are questions asked by TDs in Dáil Éireann, relating to Caranua and other areas relevant to survivors
Transfer of properties under 2002 indemnity agreement
Deputy Róisín Shortall asked the Minister for Education and Skills further to the reply to Parliamentary Question No. 533 of 17 November 2015 in respect of the 2002 indemnity agreement in which she stated that properties to the value of €30.93 million are still outstanding, her plans to ensure that the necessary transfers take place without further delay; the official in her Department who is responsible for overseeing this matter; and the steps that have been taken to recoup this outstanding debt.
Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Jan O’Sullivan): As I explained to the Deputy in my response to her previous question of 17 November, under the 2002 Indemnity Agreement the 18 participating congregations are contributing €128m in cash, counselling services and property. The cash contributions of €54.42m under the agreement have been received while information has been provided to my Department that confirms that counselling services in excess of the €10m provided for in the agreement have been funded directly by the contributing congregations.
In relation to property transfers, to date 46 properties have been fully transferred and there are no outstanding issues. These properties have been valued at €42.65m for the purposes of the Agreement. Some 15 properties with an estimated value of €20.93m have yet to be fully transferred. Work on the transfer of these properties is well advanced and I am hopeful that that a number of further transfers will be completed in the near future. I should point out also that in most cases the physical transfer of the properties has been effected and work is taking place to finalise the outstanding requirements.
Every effort is being made to complete the remaining transfers. In this regard my Department is continuing to actively engage with the Chief State Solicitor’s Office who liaise with the solicitors for the congregations and the solicitors acting on behalf of the HSE in relation to the completion of these transfers.