What is the Fund?
Caranua was established by the Residential Institutions Statutory Fund Act 2012. We use funds from the Irish religious congregations to address the health, housing and education needs of survivors living in Ireland and other parts of the world.
Our Services
Caranua can offer support, information, advice and advocacy to survivors. We will help you to get the services you are entitled to as a citizen, and improve access to those services. We can pay for services so that you have the supports you need, and can give grants to individuals to source services themselves.
What We Can Do
We aim to improve the wellbeing of survivors. Wellbeing is about being physically and mentally well, being socially active, connected and self-fulfilled. If you are a survivor, we offer you a dedicated service to make sure that you get services and other opportunities to improve your wellbeing.
Who is Eligible
Caranua is no longer accepting new applications from survivors for financial supports however we can help to connect you with organisations that may be able to help you now or in the longer term. If you are interested in this type of support please contact us by phone, email or post. Our office hours are 9.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. By clicking the link below you can find out more about the application deadline decision.