Improvements to how our Advisor Team works

Following feedback from Survivors, we have changed our internal processes to improve our contacts with Survivors, while ensuring we continue to provide a responsive, person-centred and professional service. From Monday 11th February 2019, when a Survivor contacts...

Caranua Board minutes 13th December 2018

We are happy to publish the minutes of our Board meetings so that Board activities and decisions are accountable. There is always a delay between the meeting held and the publication of the minutes. This is because the minutes must be approved before they can be published. Minutes are approved at the meeting after the meeting they are a record of. For example, if a Board meeting is held in March and the next meeting is held in April, the minutes of the March meeting will not be on the website until after the April meeting.

Staff Vacancy at Caranua

Caranua is recruiting for the position of Head of HR and Administration Caranua is an independent State Body set up to help people who, as children, experienced abuse in residential institutions in Ireland and have received settlements, Redress Board or Court awards....

Christmas office hours

On behalf of the Caranua board and staff I would like to wish you a peaceful and happy Christmas and sincerest best wishes for the coming year.

Caranua Board minutes 1st November 2018

These are the minutes from the November 1st 2018 meeting, they can be downloaded or printed from the attached PDF file.
If you have any issues viewing them please email