Changes in June 2016

Changes to Caranua’s services and criteria were introduced in June 2016.

What are the changes?

We’ve added new services, made our application form shorter and simpler and introduced an allocation for each applicant.

Why have you made these changes?

We want to be as responsive as we can to the needs of people who apply to us and make the application process as simple as possible.  We also want to protect the Fund for all of those people who can apply to us but have yet to receive any assistance.

What are the new services?

Applicants told us about their needs and what was missing from our services, so we’ve added:

  • household goods like cookers, fridges, floors and home decoration
  • contribution to funeral costs
  • contribution to the cost of reconnecting with family members and home place
  • support to “tell your story”
What’s happening with funeral costs?

Under the new criteria introduced in June 2016, we can now pay for funeral costs.  On 9th February 2017, the Board of Caranua decided that all applications for the advance payment of funeral costs must be governed by a legal agreement between the applicant, their chosen funeral provider and Caranua (this agreement includes acceptance of associated terms and conditions).  This agreement is being put in place to protect the survivor who is applying for funding and to protect the Fund to ensure that it is sustainable for future applicants.

These contractual agreements are now in place and Caranua would like to thank survivors for their patience while these arrangements were finalised.  Once an application for funeral costs has been approved and the contract is signed, the payment will be made by bank transfer.


Why was a personal allocation introduced?

We want to ensure the Fund is sustainable for future applicants, so we are concentrating on applications from people who have yet to receive assistance and have allocated a maximum value of €15,000/£12,000 for each person. This will allow us to manage the Fund and ensure that it is distributed more fairly. This is not a target and applications will still be assessed on the needs of each individual.

Does this mean the legislation has changed?

No, the legislation is the same and the changes have been made by the Caranua Board, in keeping with Section 9 of the Residential Institutions Statutory Fund Act, 2012, which allows the Board to set the criteria for applications to the Fund.

Will there be money left over after everyone who has applied has received services?

There are over 2,000 survivors currently working with an application advisor. The majority of the remaining Fund will be spent on their funding supports.

With the remaining Fund, the Board wants to strengthen our efforts to ensure any survivors who may be eligible to come forward and apply to the Fund.

Administration costs will also have to come out of the Fund, because the legislation that Caranua was established under (the Residential Institutions Statutory Fund Act 2012) states that all administration costs must be paid out of the Fund.

Can I change over to the new criteria and then change back?

No. You can ‘opt-in’ to the new criteria, however you cannot then decide to switch back.

Will I receive services valued at €15,000/£12,000?

Not necessarily. Caranua assesses applications based on need, so the services you receive will always be based on need, and supporting evidence of that need. €15,000/£12,000 is the maximum.

Caranua is a needs-led service.  Flexibility in this context means that each applicant can use their personal allocation of €15,000/£12,000 on one service or on a number of different services. However, costs must be reasonable for the service being provided. For example, Bridget decides she wants to spend her entire personal allocation on education. Or, John decides his needs are more focussed on health, housing and funeral costs. There are a variety of ways you can use your personal allocation – it is your choice.  It is important to consider the different categories of services available and to give priority to those services.